Wednesday, August 09, 2006

7 Deadly Sins of Investing (6/7)

Sin #6 - Gluttony

Researches have justified that in the long run over-trading would lessen your investment returns, but people continue to suffer from the sin of gluttony. When HK people are eating a buffet, they like to put a large variety of food on the dish. When they are investing, they have a pattern of switching between stocks and trading too frequently.

Don't you have sufficient knowledge and time to analyze so many stocks? You don't care because you rely on "financial actors" who appear to understand all companies well. You are impatient with any good fundamental stock which fails to give you a quick profit. You choose to be a speculator even you don't have the capability of a professional trader. You have also forgotten to calculate the transaction costs behind your active trading.

No matter how unwise you are, your brokers / advisers would always support your trading decisions because they earn the commissions from your transactions. Getting rid of over-trading may just as hard as quitting smoking!

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