Wednesday, August 09, 2006

7 Deadly Sins of Investing (5/7)

Sin #5 - Anger

Anger is an emotion. It is not a sin by itself. The real devil is your attribution of anger to the wrong subject. For example, in the incident of the collapsed broker Wing Yip, a victim claimed that he would no longer buy stocks if SFC has not enhanced the investor protection. I empathize with his misfortune but I can't understand why his anger with Wing Yip / SFC would trigger his decision of leaving the market. Obviously, he was beating the straw man.

You may have some bad investment experiences. But don't generalize a conclusion that all investments are scams or all investment advisers are thieves. Make it clear exactly what you are angry at. Apart from blaming others, you can take up your "responsibility" (= response-ability) before making investment decisions.

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