Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Illicit Mark-Up/Down of Execution Prices

As announced on 29 Feb 2016, SFC reprimanded and fined Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited  $4 million for failing to disclose the actual execution price and properly and adequately disclose the financial gains it made whilst handling bond transactions for its clients.

From 1 Jul to 31 Dec 2012, Yuanta Securities, acting as its clients' agent, made approximately $3.1 million in commission by marking-up or marking-down the execution prices in some of the 256 bond transactions for 96 clients without making proper and accurate disclosure to the clients.

After receiving a client’s buy order, Yuanta Securities' financial product team would buy the product through a counterparty and mark-up the trading price before passing it to the sales team which would further mark-up the price before selling it to a client. The same approach was used in executing sell orders by marking down the trading prices.

Whilst some of the clients appeared to be aware of the amount of the commission the sales team earned from the trades, such commission was not always properly disclosed in the trading instruction form and was not mentioned in the daily statements sent to the clients. Furthermore, the clients were charged additional fees by Yuanta Securities without their knowledge and consent since they were not informed of the financial product team’s mark-up/mark-down.

Under para 8.3 of the Code of Conduct, where a securities firm enters into a back-to-back transaction concerning an investment product, it should disclose to the client the trading profit to be made. The trading profit should be disclosed as a percentage ceiling of the investment amount or the dollar equivalent. Secret mark-up/mark-down is definitely an illicit practice.

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