Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Expert Network Insider Trading Scheme

US SEC just charged a New York-based hedge fund and four hedge fund portfolio managers and analysts who illegally traded on confidential information obtained from technology company employees moonlighting as expert network consultants. The scheme netted more than $30 million from trades based on material, nonpublic information about such companies as AMD, Seagate Technology, Western Digital, Fairchild Semiconductor, and Marvell.

The charges are the first against traders in SEC's ongoing investigation of insider trading involving expert networks. SEC filed its initial charges in the case last week against technology company employees who illegally tipped hedge funds and other investors with material nonpublic information about their companies in return for hundreds of thousands of dollars in sham consulting fees.

In its amended complaint filed today in federal court in Manhattan, SEC alleges that four hedge fund portfolio managers and analysts received illegal tips from the expert network consultants and then caused their hedge funds to trade on the inside information.

SEC's ongoing investigation is focusing on the activities of expert networks that purportedly provide professional investment research to their clients. While it is legal to obtain expert advice and analysis through expert networking arrangements, it is illegal to trade on material nonpublic information obtained in violation of a duty to keep that information confidential.

The technology company insiders who tipped the confidential information were expert network consultants to the firm Primary Global Research LLC (PGR).

Jack's comment: This case can be the blueprint for a commercial firm!

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