Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Deficient AML Controls Over Omnibus Accounts

US SEC charged Pinnacle Capital Markets LLC with failing to comply with an anti-money laundering (AML) rule that requires broker-dealers to identify and verify the identities of its customers and document its procedures for doing so. SEC also charged Pinnacle's managing director Michael A. Paciorek with causing Pinnacle's violations.

Pinnacle is a broker-dealer based in Raleigh, N.C., with more than 99% of its customers residing outside the United States. Pinnacle's business primarily involves order processing with direct market access (DMA) software for foreign institutions comprised mostly of banks and brokerage firms and foreign individuals.

SEC found that Pinnacle established, documented and maintained a customer identification program (CIP) that specified it would identify and verify the identities of all of its customers. However, during a six-year period, Pinnacle failed to follow the identification and verification procedures set forth in its CIP.

Many of the firm's foreign entity customers hold omnibus accounts at Pinnacle through which the entities carry sub-accounts for their own corporate or retail customers. Pinnacle treats the sub-account holders of the foreign entity omnibus accounts in the same manner as it does its regular account holders. The vast majority of Pinnacle's regular account holders, as well as the omnibus sub-account holders, use DMA software to enter securities trades directly and instantly through their own computers. As a result, these account holders have direct, unfiltered control over how securities transactions are effected in the accounts. The foreign entity holding the omnibus account does not intermediate these trades. The DMA software allows the omnibus sub-account holders to route their securities transactions directly to the relevant market centers without intermediation.

From October 2003 to August 2006, Pinnacle did not verify the identities of 34 out of a sample of 55 corporate account holders. The Commission also finds that from October 2003 through November 2009, Pinnacle did not collect or verify identifying information for the vast majority of the beneficial owners of sub-accounts maintained by Pinnacle's omnibus brokerage accounts. Consequently, the order finds that Pinnacle's documented procedures differed materially from its actual procedures.

Pinnacle and Paciorek agreed to settle SEC's enforcement action without admitting or denying the allegations, and Pinnacle will pay $25,000 in financial penalties. As part of an action taken by FINRA in February 2010, Pinnacle also has agreed to certain undertakings, including extensive AML training for its employees, as well as the hiring of an independent consultant to review its AML compliance program.

Jack's comment: DMA plus omnibus account is really a perfect mix for not only keeping privacy, but also money laundering. KYC is always the No.1 fundamental compliance issue.

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