Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Review of Insider Dealing Sentence

Last week The Eastern Magistracy today sentenced Mr Pablo Chan Pak Hoe, who was earlier convicted of insider dealing in a proposed takeover, to serve 240 hours of community service. Chan was also ordered to pay the SFC investigation costs totalling $44,478.

Magistrate Anthony Yuen Wai Ming (who recently put Amina Mariam Bokhary on one year's probation with respect to her third conviction for assaulting a police officer) had earlier found Chan guilty of one count of insider dealing in the shares of Universe International Holdings Ltd between 2 May 2008 and 19 June 2008 when he acted as a representative of the controlling shareholder in a proposed acquisition.

SFC had informed the Magistrate that Chan made a profit in the order of $120,000 when he sold the shares following the announcement of the acquisition. Under the community service order, Chan does not have to repay or disgorge any profit from his insider dealing and is able to retain it.

SFC is seeking a review of this sentencing decision.

Jack's comment: Compared with previous cases of insider dealing, the sentence in this case was really "exceptional" imprisonment, and even no disgorgement of profit. I am not informed that the defendant in this case has also suffered from bipolar disorder!

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