Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Fraudulently Touting Penny Stocks on a Website, Facebook and Twitter

US SEC has recently obtained an emergency asset freeze against a Canadian couple who fraudulently touted penny stocks through their website, Facebook and Twitter. It also charged two companies the couple control and obtained an asset freeze against them.

According to SEC's complaint, the defendants profited by selling penny stocks at or around the same time that they were touting them on The website invites investors to sign up for daily stock alerts through email, text messages, Facebook and Twitter.

Since at least April 2009, Carol McKeown and Daniel F. Ryan, a couple residing in Montreal, Canada, have touted U.S. microcap companies. They received millions of shares of touted companies through their two corporations, defendants Downshire Capital Inc., and Meadow Vista Financial Corp., as compensation for their touting. McKeown and Ryan sold the shares on the open market while PennyStockChaser simultaneously predicted massive price increases for the issuers, a practice known as "scalping."

McKeown and Ryan used all the modern methods to communicate with investors including the PennyStockChaser website, e-mail, text messages, Facebook, and Twitter yet failed to adequately communicate that their rosy predictions for touted stocks were accompanied by their sales of those very same stocks.

McKeown, Ryan together with their corporations failed to disclose the full amount of the compensation they received for touting stocks on PennyStockChaser, and they have realized at least $2.4 million in sales proceeds from their scalping scheme.

Jack's comment: If such scalping practice happened in Hong Kong, probably SFC would charged those scalpers for violating Section 300 of SFO - Offence involving fraudulent or deceptive devices, etc. in transactions in securities, futures contracts or leveraged foreign exchange trading.

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