Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Diploma in Investment Compliance

Last week the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), the ICMA Centre at the Henley Business School and the FINRA of the US announce that they have joined forces to support and enhance education, training and certification in financial compliance.

The CISI is the largest and most widely respected professional body for those who work in the securities and investment industry in the UK and abroad and has developed a suite of well recognized and supported programs centered around product knowledge and regulation to support practitioners in the financial services industry. Since 2006, the ICMA Centre and FINRA have developed and offered a highly regarded Diploma in Capital Markets Regulation and Compliance aimed at mid-level securities professionals. With the development of the CISI 's Diploma in Investment Compliance, the industry was faced with two separately recognized routes to certification,and it was agreed that, by joining forces, the parties can work together to better enhance the professional credentials of capital markets practitioners in the UK.

The agreement will mean that those who have already achieved the Diploma in Capital Markets Regulation and Compliance will become members of the CISI and those with a partially completed qualification will receive appropriate exemptions from the jointly supported Diploma in Investment Compliance. In addition, the ICMA Centre will work with the CISI to deliver advanced certification for those who have completed the Diploma in Investment Compliance and whose needs are for expanded coverage of topics required by senior compliance staff in financial institutions.

(Jack's comment: Hong Kong financial industry doesn't have such kind of compliance qualification for the practitioners. Why don't SFC and HKSI work with CISI to promote the Diploma in Investment Compliance?)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Really wonder if SFC would like to do so ...
