Monday, December 04, 2006

Customer Data Protection

In an advanced economy, information security is equally important as physical security. Banks are holding the databases which record most of financial resources of the economy. Leakage of such information would lead to disastrous financial losses.

HKMA has recently completed an onsite examination of certain banks' controls over customer data protection and published a list of common controls issues identified:

Compliance with PDPO and Regulatory Requirements:

  • Keep personal data longer than data retention period stated in customer agreements
  • Not perform more stringent background checks for potential employees and contractors who need to access sensitive customer data
  • Conduct of compliance reviews of statutory & regulatory requirements and internal security policies on a regular basis

Security Controls over Electronic Data:

  • Lack of controls to protect sensitive customer data stored in portable computing devices and removable storage devices
  • Not adopt data encryption for computer tapes that are transported between premises
  • Not prevent users from copying customer data from computer workstations into removable storage devices
  • Audit logs of customer data access activities for regular reviews

Security Controls over Hardcopy Documents:

  • Not provide staff and service providers with guidance for handling sensitive hardcopy documents outside bank premises
  • Insufficient surveillance controls (e.g. CCTV) in certain highly sensitive areas (e.g. computer tape rooms)
  • Confidential wastes bags are left unattended after office hours in public office areas

Other Areas for Improvements:

  • Not fully set out the contractual liabilities and obligations of service providers in outsourced service contracts
  • Regular security training arranged for all relevant employees of outside service providers
  • Adequate incident management procedures for loss or unauthorized access of customer data
Data protection is less controllable than physical asset protection because there are too many bank staff who can access customer data. If HKMA would launch a formal SPM on customer data protection, banks may have to designate a compliance officer responsible for this area.

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