Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Take a Break

Since creating this blog from 10 Aug 2006, I have continuously added one article per working day. This is not easy for me as I am not a newspaper columnist. Compliance is an interesting topic but not so many people are really interested. Thanks Ban and Idol for your ongoing support by leaving your comments here.

It's time for me to take a short break (from tomorrow to Friday) for recharge. I will come back on 31 Oct 2006.

Taking a vacation by a compliance officer is sometimes difficult, especially if you are working as a one-man band. I remember when I was a compliance officer designated for one specialist area, my boss would get crazy for finding a poor guy (who didn't know about my work at all) to act as my "backup" during my annual leave. Actually this is useless. Whenever there is any so-called urgent matter, the business people would immediately dial my mobile no!

See you next Tuesday.

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