Friday, September 15, 2006

Compliance Coaching


I have applied the "coaching" approach in the compliance field for a few years. But what is coaching?

The coaching discipline is in contrast to the authoritative management style. Traditional managers perceive themselves as experts to offer directions & solutions to their peers & subordinates. By giving advice, the experts are also taking up the accountability to the results. People seeking compliance advice would, intentionally or unintentionally, shift their compliance burden to others.

In a knowledge economy, nobody can claim to be experts in too many areas, especially within a large organization. While compliance officers are familiar with the regulations, they may not fully understand the business operations in every details. To upgrade the overall compliance standard in a firm, compliance officers should endeavor to inspire the people's "compliance mentality". This is what coaching can help.

Coaching is a newly evolved profession over the past two decades. It has attained great results by improving the performances of many people and businesses. Many top performers (e.g. Tiger Woods), political figures (e.g. Bill Clintion) and CEOs have recruited their own coaches.

The essence of coaching is "asking the right question" rather than "giving the right answer". But what are the practical skills applied by professional coaches? I recommend you to read a new book titled 《教練達之路》 which was co-authored by me with two other coaches. This book does not touch on compliance coaching but gives a comprehensive overview of the applications of coaching in different areas (e.g. leadership, career, financial, etc).

Later on I will elaborate more about the application of compliance coaching here.


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