Thursday, April 02, 2020

Licensing Matters under COVID-19 Pandemic

On 31 Mar 2020, SFC issued the FAQs for "Licensing related matters in light of the COVID-19 pandemic". I would like to make comments on certain messages given by SFC to intermediaries.

All licensed individuals who are originally required, by way of licensing conditions or otherwise, to pass post-licensing regulatory examinations within a prescribed timeframe which falls due on or before 30 Sep 2020, will be allowed an extended period of 3 calendar months after the original due date to meet the requirement.

Comment: This is necessary as HKSI has suspended the regulatory exams (up to 11 Apr 2020, but may be extended due to the potential change of government policy). If the pandemic is not yet put under control, SFC would probably further extend the grace period.

SFC allows all licensed individuals who are unable to fulfil the annual CPT hours by 31 Dec 2020 to carry forward any unfulfilled CPT hours for the calendar year of 2020 to 2021.

Comment: Different from taking exams, fulfilling CPT hours at home (i.e. taking online courses) is perfectly acceptable under SFC's CPT Guidelines, given that it requires the submission of course assignment (e.g. quiz) upon completion.

An LC is required to notify SFC of significant changes in its business plan covering internal controls, organisational structure, contingency plans and related matters, including but not limited to:
  • Confirmation of staff infection which may have an impact on the LC’s operations 
  • Closing of office premises as a result of staff infection or government lockdown, including overseas office premises, if the closure has implications for the LC’s operations or the carrying on of its regulated activities (e.g. temporary closing of overseas office premises which handles back and middle office functions)
  • Changes to its organisational resources (e.g. split team arrangements, staff relocation to overseas offices) 
  • The triggering of the LC’s business continuity plan

Comment: It is desirable for SFC to design a questionnaire to facilitate LCs in making such kind of reporting.

While an LC has arranged for its staff to work from home or from its overseas offices which are not premises approved under s130 of the SFO, it should ensure that the staff will be able to remotely access the LC’s trading or other systems, and that the activities conducted by the staff will be captured in the records and documents generated by these systems. If certain records and documents need to be kept in unapproved premises on a temporary basis, the LC should send them back to the approved premises of the LC as soon as practicable.

Comment: During the current extraordinary circumstances, indeed SFC should adopt a lenient approach towards an LC's technical breach of operational rules.

If an LC or AE anticipates delays in preparing its audited accounts or other documents, it may apply for an extension of the submission period asap. SFC will consider these applications pragmatically.

Comment: This year LCs and AEs are required to submit the new version of Business and Risk Management Questionnaire (BRMQ), which is much more lengthy than the old one. Request for delayed submission of BRMQ may be necessary.

Nothing is certain but death and regulations.